Our offices are now open again.
Monday – Wednesday – Friday
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
We are once again in the process of Membership renewal. Annual dues for the American Legion is $50.
If you would like to pay by credit or debit card, contact Cecil McPherron at 970-381-8711. Also call this number if you have questions concerning your dues.
Please mail in payments to our office address at 2007 9th Street, Greeley, CO 80631. Number is 970-353-1080. More information coming soon. Please see below
Renewed Members
Membership Drive
Total Membership
In a significant legislative victory for The American Legion, President Trump signed a bill July 30 that declares the United States has been in a state of war since Dec. 7, 1941.
The American Legion sought the declaration as a way to honor approximately 1,600 U.S. service members who were killed or wounded during previously undeclared periods of war.
The LEGION Act (Let Everyone Get Involved In Opportunities for National Service Act) also opens the door for approximately 6 million veterans to access American Legion programs and benefits for which they previously had not been eligible. Click HERE to read the rest of the article.
Monthly Meetings
First Thursday of Every Month
Monthly Meeting – 6:30 pm – Legion Business & Speakers – Stay tuned for more information
Ladies Auxiliary Meeting – 6:30 pm – Stay tuned for more information
Post 18 Upcoming Events
Membership Drive is starting again. Make sure to get your renewal in.
We need ideas for fundraisers. Please call the office if you have an idea.
Certificates for Continuous Years of Service will be handed out during meetings.
RE/MAX Alliance Center 1275 58th Ave Basement, Greeley, CO 80634 Unless otherwise posted.
Please tune into Pirate Radio and the Greeley Tribune for further Updates.
Weld County Garage presenting check to Post 18 for support during Memorial Day sales event

Greeley Post 18 Facebook Feed
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2021 American Legion Boy’s State
The deadline for applying to attend the 2021 edition of Colorado Boy’s State is May 1st. Application may be found at the above link.
This week long experience in practical civics is provided free of charge to High School boys that have completed their Junior year. And, this year only, graduating Seniors are invited since the 2020 program was cancelled due to covid. There are no eligibility requirements beyond a desire to learn and participate. And college scholarship opportunities are available.
If any member is aware of an eligible young man either in their family or among their circle of friends, please encourage him to apply for this once in a lifetime experience.
Can You Help?
Sponsorships may be purchased for $200 or any donation to Post 18 designated to Boy’s State is appreciated.
Apply Today
The Four Pillars of The American Legion

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